The combination of rugby
and universities in Pavia has deep and ancient roots, dating back to 30 years, then lost in the mists of time in the history of Italian pallovale. It was in fact a group of pioneers of our sport that between 1933 and 1934 excited by some exhibition matches held in our province in the years before he founded the rugby team of the GUF (Youth, university, fascist) Pavia.
Rugby in Italy and no one had ten years of life and these athletes willing and unafraid to say the least, laid the foundations of the history of a sport that still lives in our city and our university. Vied then a few warm-up to a true championship team which he joined in 1935. (League of promotion). The
first game of this tournament was actually played in Pavia from the local area municipal GUF and saw the team home match zero to zero against the much more experienced GUF Milan. The race was disputed before a large audience, but so ignorant of the rules of the game that the coach had to Pavia Guidobono get a microphone with which to explain what was happening in the field to the people flocked to the stadium. It was the team of brothers Tibaldi of Desigis of Pambianco the captain, Dompè . For about five years and then the "goliards" Pavesi compete in various competitions, ranging from participation in the Federal League games Littoriali, meetings between the colleges and universities.
first game of this tournament was actually played in Pavia from the local area municipal GUF and saw the team home match zero to zero against the much more experienced GUF Milan. The race was disputed before a large audience, but so ignorant of the rules of the game that the coach had to Pavia Guidobono get a microphone with which to explain what was happening in the field to the people flocked to the stadium. It was the team of brothers Tibaldi of Desigis of Pambianco the captain, Dompè . For about five years and then the "goliards" Pavesi compete in various competitions, ranging from participation in the Federal League games Littoriali, meetings between the colleges and universities.
The first real generation change took place between 1938 and 1939. The now "old" Pioneers of Rugby bunting now graduated, gave way to some younger players, who formed the nucleus of the fantastic team that won the 1940/41 the right to participate in the National Division championship A . The Series A
was played for two seasons between 1941 and 1943. The team dropped the fascist regime was immediately reconstituted after the war under the name ASUP (Association of University Students Pavesi) Pavia. Of this group were part of the Molina brothers , Lucio Sollazzi , the pylon Candy , Frendo, Natalino Tagliapietra, and that Giancarlo Merlata who later became one of the strengths of the mixture of ' Amateur Milan.
changing different names (Pavia rugby, and especially CUS) under the guidance of coach Milan Testoni activity continued until the first half of fifties, among the athletes of this period there were the writer Mino Milani , former wrestler Louis Borgarelli who became the massager of CUS in the 60 and 70.
In the second half of the 50's unfortunately a terrible crisis will invest any sport Pavia (Pavia failure of the first football and basketball and Pavia) crisis which unfortunately will not be able to evade the rugby. The team for some years did more activities.
In the first half of the sixties under pressure from some enthusiastic young people (G. Bohemians, L. Della Fiore, V. Monti to name a few) will reconstitute the rugby section of CUS Pavia. They continued as a regular federal championships (series C), and under the guidance of technicians and Milan Scarce Pellegrini some young athletes Pavia (P. Pasek, N. Raimondi, Schinelli and Beltrami) were summoned to the regional and national youth representative .
Over the next decade, abandoned Try the old camp was built just for the rugby field in places Cravino , the team then, armed with its new plant had a period of remarkable growth aided by the skill of the manager Osvaldo Rossi . In recent years other young Noah, Carcano, Casiroli and son art Raffa, wear the shirt of selected national and regional youth.
The early saw eighty recover around the charismatic figure of the coach player W. English Cook a competitive team, which in the 83/84 season touched a trifle promotion to Serie C1 (the C only had meanwhile been divided into C1 and C2). After yet another generational change, the team returned to gialloblù get some good competitive results (for the playoffs and win the trophy inter-C1 C-series in the season 1987/88) and especially the foundations were laid for the establishment of organized youth sectors.
the early ninety there was a further growth of rugby movement Pavia. Under the leadership of coach young players Marco Pisano -strong group of players of good quality CUS Pavia Rugby won the 92/93 season in the long-awaited promotion to Serie C1. This category was kept for four seasons, until the incredible relegation in 96/97. During this time he wore the jersey of the University of Pavia center of the current national Christian Stoica.
After a period of rejuvenation of seniors, headed by the current team coach Gary Prini 99/00 season in the 15 Pavese regained promotion to the series C1 allowing the "old" hooker Tarlarini to get his second promotion gialloblù with the shirt on his last competitive year.
After an exciting season, the Cus Pavia wins in 2004, under the guidance of Prini, the historical promotion to Serie B, category that also dispute the championship the following year.
the 2005/2006 season, thanks to the departure of some players cussin for the upper category (Nicol, Pallaro and Braschi, all passed in the Serie A club), ended with relegation to Serie C.
It is from here, from the Elite round of Series C Lombard starts the new season of 2006/2007 Cus Pavia, with the inclusion of many young people coming from the nursery of Pavia, to secure a new future for society.
author: Peter Marco Pisano
updated: F. Preda