As described in the previous post we are now able to develop various types of shell and tube exchangers .
We now present a special type that differs from others in the manner of construction and operation: the heat exchanger for cooling gas through water.
The scope is the main building we ' OIL & GAS and especially for gas compressors. We would like to spend
first two words about the market in the energy sector.
It should be noted first that the energy is the foundation of every socio-economic development and its accessibility and availability determines its pros and cons of the growth of a country.
no coincidence that at the moment is one of the few areas not affected by the economic crisis currently under way: it is estimated that world energy demand will increase in 2030 to over 50% present consumption, two thirds of which will be charged with developing countries and fossil fuels will continue to occupy leadership positions to meet energy demand.
Fossil fuels Major used are oil, coal and natural gas : let us focus on the latter. The main component of natural gas is methane and over consumption that we all know (like heating, gas stoves etc. ..) is also used as an alternative to other less-polluting fuel for cars currently circulating in the world, almost 4 million vehicles powered NGV (natural gas for vehicles ), including 550,000 in Europe
In 2003, the states with the highest number of gas vehicles were Argentina, Brazil, Pakistan, India and Italy.
In Italy these cars are particularly common in Emilia-Romagna, Veneto, Marche, Lombardia and Piemonte. Italian regions with more distributors are: Emilia-Romagna (115 pumps to open March 27, 2009), Veneto (93), Marche (72) and Tuscany (68).
Italy is leader in Europe regarding the number of vehicles to "gas" in circulation almost 400,000, from one side because of the high price of gasoline, the other due to the significant gas reserves in the North country. In general, this success does not depend exclusively on the lack of oil and gas reserves by local authorities, but is also the result of strong political. In Germany, for example, where there are about 25,000 natural gas vehicles, but where are equipping 1000 natural gas filling stations, 150 are already operational. In France, the NGV has developed mainly in the fleets of city buses . We can speak of a success, because even if there are only 1,000 NGV buses into service in return for a new bus is purchased in three natural gas, which accounts for 30% of the market totale.Ricordiamo finally the ambitious goals European Commission sets by 2020, the part of substitute fuels to 20%, of which 10% should be NGV . In the video you can see the operation of a motor GNV
Our heat exchanger is mounted compressors for gas distributors NGV car and its function is to cool water by compressing the gas heats up: the special thing is that the pressure they are subjected to up to 300 bar (450 bar test). The material is 100% stainless steel and the sizing is performed by HTRI program and the design and construction by following the rules PED.
not hesitate to contact us for any request!!
As described in the preceding post, Actually we are in position to develop various types of shell and tube heat exchangers.
With the present we would like to present a special type of product which differs from others as per its constructional and functional peculiarities: it is a heat exchanger aimed at cooling gas by means of water.Principal area of application for this type of product is OIL&GAS industry which though can be extended for gas compressors .
First of all we would like to say some words concerning the market of power-generating sector of economy.
It is indispensable to underline that energy is one of the key components responsible for social-economical development in general, and its easy accessibility and availability determines “pro and against” of economical growth, strengthening and evolution of any country. Not at all by occasion, power-generating field of international economy remains till now unaffected by heavy global economical crisis: it is predictable that the world demand for energy will raise till over 50% in 2030 comparing to present consumption. More then two thirds of the mentioned demand will belong to developing countries and fossil-fuels will continue to occupy leadership positions so that to enable satisfaction of general energy demand.
Major used fossil fuels are oil, carbon and natural gas. Let us focalize the issue on the last-mentioned.
Basic component of natural gas is methane or so-called marsh gas and apart from its well-known to everybody consumptions (like heating, gas stoves, etc..) it is also used as less contaminating alternative to other types of fuels for automobile industry.
There are 4 million of natural gas vehicles circulating all over the world , 550.000 of which are circulating in Europe. As per statistics belonging to 2003 most of natural gas vehicles were located in Argentine, Brazil, Pakistan, India and Italy.
In Italy these automobiles are particularly widespread in Emilia-Romagna, Veneto, Marche, Lombardy and Piedmont. Italian regions with more distributors are as follows: Emilia-Romagna (115 open pumps as of March, the 27th.,2009), 93 pumps in Veneto, 72 pumps in Marche, 68 pumps in Tuscany.
Along with this Italy has a leading position in Europe as for number of vehicles activated by “gas” in circulation. They are nearly 400.000. This is from one side because of motor petrol being too expensive and from the other side due to the important reserves of gas in the North part of the country. Generally speaking however, this success doesn’t depend exclusively on the lack of petrol and local gas reserves. It is also a result of strong political decisions in the given direction. This is the case for instance for Germany where there are about 25.000 of methane vehicles and 1000 petrol stations are presently being in the process of equipment for natural gas distribution, 150 of which are already functional. In France natural gas automobiles have found their development mostly in the field of city buses. Moreover, each third purchased bus is fed by natural gas and this can be considered as real success taking into account that market share of such buses is 30% of total market demand. We should not forget also the ambitious target pointed out by European Committee which as a goal for 2020 fixes the substitution of 20% of fuels in general 10% of which are intended to be natural gas.
On the video, in fact, You can admire and observe the function of natural gas engine.
Heat exchanger by our production is mounted on the gas compressor of natural gas distributor and its function is that of cooling gas by means of water. Gas runs hot when compressed which causes the necessity to cool it.
The special feature of this product is the pressure Characteristics That It Is Exposed to That can reach 300 bar (450 bar as test pressure). Material is 100% stainless steel. Heat exchanger dimensioned gets with the assistance of a special program HTRI dimensioning, design and construction is effected Following PED norms. Do not
hesitate to contact us for whatever inquiry!