Sunday, March 8, 2009

How Soon Can Trichomoniasis Be Detected?

Della Giovampaola opens the campaign for public assembly to Abbadia

Friday, March 6 in the hamlet of Abbadia, Maxine Giovampaola officially opened the campaign for the primaries, which see contend with Andrea Rossi (he, like the outgoing mayor, candidate of the PD) and Stefano Biagiotti (Socialist Party) candidate in the palm of the Mayor of Montepulciano for the center to the next local elections in June.

Della Giovampaola met with his constituents at a subscription dinner, which was attended by more than 150 people, some of which are already members of the Committee "massimosindaco2009, other new and strong supporters of the candidate. As pointed out by Sonia

Mazzini and Giancarlo Pagliai, coordinators of the campaign in support of the Giovampaola, the outgoing mayor can boast a considerable dowry, consisting of goals during the term , thanks to his careful guidance and responsibility, the town of Montepulciano is centered, making many of the intentions expressed in the government program introduced in 2004.

Among these in his speech on the sidelines of dinner, Della Giovampaola recalled the great efforts in finding additional resources for the realization of important works, including the construction deserves special mention - some already begun, and in part at the award stage of the work - of 87 new housing units intended for public housing and subsidized housing that arise in the capital, Valian, Abbadia, Acquaviva and Gracciano. At this time of grave economic crisis, this initiative represents an important measure to support of poor families, as well as a significant opportunity to offer additional work for both businesses and individuals. The works are entirely funded by the Region and Fondazione MPS, then no burden on the municipal budget.

for the future Particular attention will be given to young people. Young people must be the protagonists of the social and cultural life of our country must be enabled to manage their events and products designed by them. This administration has distinguished itself for having initiated an innovative and serious action of youth policies, which must be ensured as much continuity.

this in mind, said Della Giovampaola, the choice made, personally backed by a decision, the Association of custody Slaughterhouse 5 of the management of the complex named for former butchery of social activity and cultural activities for young people were right to our beliefs.

the next few years the commitment is to promote cultural and social activity in youth villages, creating or providing adequate space for creative expression, but also the execution of activities of civic engagement that characterizes many of our boys. In many
next meeting, planned throughout the city, Della Giovampaola address in detail the specific content of its proposals for the future, making even account of the efforts over the past five years.

The coordinators of the campaign were asked to keep an eye on the calendar of activities, posted on the blog "massimosindaco2009" but also spread via a specially crafted leaflets, and that they had requested, with the approval of Della Giovampaola, the other two candidates are available at a public meeting for discussion on various proposals. "We are waiting for a definitive answer," said Sonia Mazzini "as the agendas of the other candidates are particularly full of events that seems to be no room for setting this meeting."

As regards the Maxine Giovampaola year, next steps: Gracciano - this afternoon, 16 hours, the field of education - and Montepulciano Stazione - Sunday, March 8, at the headquarters of Bowling to discuss volunteer Social -.

For info and support for the Committee:


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