Saturday, March 14, 2009

How Do You Get The Brain Helmet On Poptropica

Election Campaign

Gracciano, March 7, 2009

The appointment is the "Golf Schools". Despite an annoying wind and chilly, gather around the gazebo set up by Tiziana and George many voters who, from the voice of Max, listen to his ideas for the future of the village. For
Graccianesi are especially heart two things: respect for the land and the development of social conditions for an animation that can be a source integration among all citizens, now that the community is expanding day by day thanks the presence of immigrants, both Italian and foreign.
With regard to land use policies, Massimo recalled that in recent years, has established a policy characterized by a broad estimate of environmental protection, from soil conservation to prevent abuse, the reduction of ' pollution to the modernization of the energy system.
On this last topic, answering questions for Michael, pointed out that since November 2007, the City Council amended the Building Regulations by introducing compatible construction laws. Among these rules, the requirement for new buildings, installation of solar thermal for the production of hot water and solar photovoltaic for the production of electricity. The territory is a good
irreproducible and its consumption is quite content. The growing need to support the economic and social development must be balanced with some matches, but will this principle.
The need for the presence of places that serve a function of socialization among residents of all ages and from all backgrounds to find a quick answer in the construction of new multi-purpose room already budgeted investment between 2009.


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