Sunday, July 5, 2009

Repairing Cat Scratched Door Trim


From Japan "Shin-to" (the "Way of the Gods", according to a preliminary "on", you may well say, in the manner "Kun" as "Kami no Michi ") with the addition of the suffix "ism".

Shinto, which does not recognize a supreme God, is a polytheistic worship of nature and ancestors. Originally aniconic Shinto was not that he had no images of gods, and only as a result of the admixture in the Middle Ages, this primitive religion with Buddhism of the Great Vehicle, began to see statues representing deities, arranged in various temples . Shinto formed the character and spirit of Japan, is the religion and its myths of the beginning of its history through the centuries has been an integral part in all aspects of social and political life. Scintoismos'incontrano in a large number of gods of nature to which are added in a later period, the earthly deities, local and family members. There is talk of a number of deities ranging from 80 to 800 000, hence the definition of Japan Shinkoku which means precisely 'the land of the gods. " Only in the sixth century of the Christian era in which Japan makes history and begin to write wise thanks to China, cultural beacon of the Far East (such as Greece to our civilization), the old religio "originated in Japan, received the Sino-Japanese name (" on ") of" Shin-to "in Japanese pure ("kun") was said as innanzidetto "Kami no michi (Road / Way of the Gods), to distinguish it from Buddhism called" Butsu-do "(Road / Route of Buddha), which was introduced precisely to ' era of the 29th Emperor, Kimmei (540 - 571). It has unified the culture of the people, sanctified all its rulers, and not only ancient but also the last, gave the Kamikaze and ideologies also inspired a sense of aesthetics and love of beauty that is the hallmark of the Japanese. It 'was the glue that both religious and social thought, when the Japanese culture has been in contact with Chinese culture first and then the West. And 'yet Shinto to imbue the Japanese people the moral strength that sustained him after the defeat.

The sacred texts of Shinto, collected and transcribed only in the Buddhist era, are three mythological gathered together under the title of Sam-bu-han-sho (the three core books):

the Ku-ji-ki (ancient history of events up to 620 BC),

the Ko-ji-ki (ancient history that goes up to 712 BC) and

the Nihon-gi (Japanese annals until 720 AD)

Period proto-historic and legendary: the establishment of the legends which form the basis of the Shinto

620 BC Jimmu, the first Emperor of Japan (Mikado or Tenno, "Lord of Heaven") is a legendary figure, considered the descendant of Amaterasu, the Sun Goddess 405 AD: Introduction of Chinese writing in Japan.

552 dD: Introduction of Buddhism :

673-686 Kingdom of Mikado Temmu who decides to fix the legends and histories of the Scinto imperial makes memorizing a Are some Hieda-no-

711-712: Preparation of Kujiki (collection of ancient legends and events that go back up to this date)

713: Writing, on the orders of Empress Gemmy, a collection of costumes provinces (the Fudoki)

720: Writing in Chinese Nihongi or more precisely the Nihonshoki (official annual of Japan), under the direction of Prince toner.

907: Preparation of Engishiki ("Rules Engi era)

In Kojiki and tells Nihongi Shinto of ancient myths, the creation of the world and of mankind, the origin of the gods. Izanagi and Izanami. Cult of the Dead is one of the main features of Shinto. The Japanese, always assisted by his ancestors, he believes that the dead have a life invisible, in which spirits continue to live as good or evil spirits. They live in a country called Yomi, which corresponds to the ancient Greek gods Hades. As regards the tombs, they are considered real homes of the dead, visit relatives deceased ancestor who communicate the most important events of the family. The faithful in his religious activities, consider the divine beings as donors of goods soils, are not subject to redemption in the prayers. There are a reward or punishment after death and so there is no heaven or hell. The parties Scinto, called Matsuri, which have a different life, one month, three days or one day, ceremonies of thanksgiving for the benefits received by the gods and ceremonies of prayer to avert the disasters. A place of particular importance are the major festivals associated with religious worship of the Imperial Family. On the occasion of these festivities is the Emperor himself, who officiates Worship in the 'sacred hall "of the Imperial Palace. There is also a rank order as in the Temples for the Gods. The most beautiful temples are those of Ise, where they worship the Goddess Sun and the Goddess of Food, at the Atsuta Negoya, and the temples of the kingdom who are dedicated to the ancestors or some divine emperors and dignitaries. Even among the priests (which can also be female), who call themselves "officials of the Gods," are distinguished different categories. Priests may marry and pass on their office hereditary in the family. In addition to their religious offices, also exert a profession and wear the vestments, which consists of a white dress with wide, loose sleeves and a hat of black taffeta latter only when dealing with religion.


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