Sunday, May 24, 2009

Corvette Reproduction Wheel Quality

Dynamic Sphere Aikido Judo

What is Aikido:

Aikido stems from a variety of Eastern martial arts, but the genius of its founder, Master Morihei Ueshiba , was to maximize efficiency and discipline to "spiritual" a set of self-defense techniques. Supreme art of movement in space and the continuing search for balance and harmony in technique, in comparison with their opponents and if stessi.Un analysis:
"Art is now known as Aikido, first appears as a highly dynamic and rich in strategic options to defend themselves from violent attacks effectively, derived from a systematic and intelligent synthesis of the ancient arts of the Japanese warrior. For A closer look reveals the Aikido as a method of strengthening the body and mind, as a way to merge their respective functional energies, in a coordinated and unified in order to develop a balanced and integrated personality. The name itself, in fact, means the way or method (DO) for coordination, merger or harmony (AI) life energy (KI). A method of self-defense, but also - at the highest levels - a "path" that will bring harmony to all the vital powers of man, combined with moral and ethical grounds. This martial art introduced to the world by Maestro Ueshiba, he was adopted by the movements and actions of self-defense arising from the disciplines of ken-jutsu, aiki-jutsu, ju-jitsu and other more esoteric methods, raising to discipline "spiritual" these arts of combat. This method, on the physical level, it offers many techniques to counter attacks by one or more opponents and is based on techniques and strategies are effective, sometimes complex and difficult, but accessible to people of all ages and gender. But why Aikido is unique? Almost all traditional martial arts claim to be very effective methods of self-defense. The essential difference is found in the grounds and the characteristic features that identify his practice. First, from the point of view of its practical application, Aikido is an art of defense proclaims purely reflexive, ethically activated by a violent attack, unprovoked. In the methodology which we propose practical and ethical research, the neutralization of the opponent, causing minor damage and possible irreparable. On the technical Aikido collects the best techniques of levers, projections, strategies of movement enhanced by the principles of centralization and extension products from the study of the Hara, the man's abdominal center, serving as the point of mental and physical coordination , and KI, the energy that is intimate and complete a merger of the various aspects of personality. Both of these concepts must be understood in the broadest sense that encompasses human existence beyond time and space of a violent event, individual, to determine the purpose of human action. Finally, that same practice, in all its strategies, tactics, techniques and preparatory movements conclusive breakthrough turns out to be singularly relaxed, no tension and stiffness, typically circular, fluid, wide ... refreshing. "

The Kaikogi: the habit of training for the practice of Aikido is the Judogi (white), to enhance the meaning of equality in the practice of Aikido. To some degree, 1 kyu and black belt, but sooner if the teacher allows it, above the already wears hakama, traditional Japanese pants (black or blue or white).

Belts: in the tradition of Aikido there are no colored belts, but they can be introduced for the purpose of teacher training organization (white> yellow> orange> green> blue> brown, which correspond in the 6th to 1 kyu, decreasing). Usually wearing a brown belt, as "candidates" to the black belt. The black belt is automatically on the 1st DAN. The Dan are higher degrees. Each instance or kyu, and DAN, has a time minimum stay.


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