Sunday, May 24, 2009

Vegeta Upset Because Bulma Dies

the sword - the soul of the Samurai

Bushido is the sword its emblem of power and value. The son of the samurai learned very early to the sword for him one day and it was very important that in which, having reached the I'età five years and the wearing of distinctive dress of the samurai, was placed on a board and started to go to the rites of the military profession, while a sword from his belt replaced authentic toys with the knife which he had hitherto enjoyed. After this preliminary ceremony for adoptivo weapon, had not seen him cross the threshold of the father's house without the emblem of his rank, though it was usually replaced in normal use, by a dagger of gilded wood. Neither spent many years before he could bring the authentic steel dagger - even blunt - before finally reaching the moment when, abandoned all imitation weapons, and had a joy sharpest blades just obtained, had no way to get to try anywhere, wood and stone, their thread. Reached the fifteenth year with his manly status, which allowed him to independence of action, could take pride from the possession of weapons so sharp to be able to meet every need. The fact to bear arms so dangerous then led him to assume a tone and a sense of great self-respect, along with the consciousness of a profound responsibility. And then you could well be said of him: << surrounds not the sword in vain >> - since what led to the belt was a symbol of what kept the soul and heart, the symbol of honor and loyalty. The two swords, the long and short calls Daito respectively, and shot or katana and wakizashi, never leave the side of the samurai. If he stays at home, swords, occupy the most important place in the studio or in the living room, at night, then they shall immediately at the pillow in hand. His constant companions, whom he loved and called by names caressing, deeply and I would say you've almost worship. The father of history has told how strange thing that's sacrificed to an iron scimitar. Well, you temples in Japan and many families keep a sword as an object of worship! Due respect is given to even the most common knife, and any insult to it is considered a personal affront. Woe to those who negligently stepped on a blade that lie on the floor so precious as the sword can not avoid the subject of consideration in the long evenings of art and artists, the vanity of the owners, especially in peacetime, when it is brought only as a sign of rank, just as Bishop holds the pastoral or the king scepter. Sharkskin and finest silk for I'impugnatura, silver care, paints in various colors for the sleeve significantly reduced the appearance tenibile that these weapons bearers of death and taking these outward ornaments were nothing compared to the value of the blade The swordsmith was not a mere craftsman, but a high of inspiration and his forge a real sanctuary. Every day He began his career with prayers and purifications by which, as the ritual formula . That every hammer blow, and each dive in the water and every mind on the wheel, was a sacred place of great importance. I'anima was the spirit of the artist or of his tutelary gods to infuse a sword in our power so fascinating? Perfect as a work of art, so as to defy comparison to the swords of Toledo and Damascus rivals, it was something more than he could give her the only art. The cold blade, collecting on the surface of the vapor suspended in the atmosphere, the composition of pure water, from which flashed a blue light, the thread unparalleled, which depended on each event and every opportunity, the curve of the spine, where the most delicate grace, then connecting with the higher force: all this made us tremble with a feeling which consisted of power and beauty, reverence and fear. Harmless so long as it remained a mere object of beauty and aesthetic admiration, it is dangerous for the mere fact of being as indeed was still within reach, and therefore, become a slight temptation to abuse it. Too often, in fact, the blade flashed out of the sheath, and sometimes I'abuso reached the point that some did not hesitate to check on the neck of some individual helpless I'efficienza just bought the sword. The issue that most concerns us in this regard is the following . The answer is, unequivocally, no. Bushido, in fact, on one side attached great importance to use it conveniently, by 'more hated and blamed any abuse that may be involved. Vile and exhibitionist who was considered his sword in situations that are worthy of it. A man who can control himself also knows how to have to use at the right time - and this time spoke quite often. Count Katsu, who lived during one of the most troubled times in our history, in which murders, suicides and other acts of violence were the order of the day, invested in a time of supreme dictatorial powers and though subjected to repeated attacks, not never stained his sword with blood. Recalling some events with a friend, he says in that weird and rude tone that was typical.

<< Provo considerable reluctance to kill people, so I never even killed a man and I let go even those whose heads deserved to be cut. One day a friend told me: 'You do not kill enough! Why, do not eat pepper and herbs exciting? '. Well, many are no better than that my friend, but you see: he was assassinated in his turn and if I have escaped violent death, perhaps I owe to my aversion to killing. I was so closely tied to the scabbard of the sword I'impugnatura that it became difficult to remove the blade: I was determined not to hurt anything, even if I was hurt. It is true that some are like fleas and mosquitoes, and biting, but what does it matter their sting? Irritates a little and just: does not pose some danger in my life! >>.

These were the words of a man who had witnessed with pride, in the burning fire of adversity and triumph, I'insegnamento of bushido. High popular as: (which means that it is not real achievement to turn an enemy), and others of the same importance and significance, are intended to show that, after all, an ideal purpose to get the Cavalry was made up of peace we must be noted, with much regret, that this high ideal target would remain exclusive subject of preaching by priests and moralists, and the samurai were constantly preaching and emphasizing only the deeds in this martial exaltation they pushed so far from those of a virile type "Amazon" even their ideal woman.

From: Bushido - Ed: Know-Kai
By: InazS Notoube (1862 -1933)


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