The principle of sphericity seems to cope with its roots in the traditions of China taoistiche , with its famous taiyoku, the emblem that represents the balance of the essential elements of the interrelationship which the phenomenal world has its origin. Echoes of this principle must be found Indian in the mandala, representing the spherical shape in this wheel of life. The Asian martial arts and in particular the Japanese, starting with those armies as the art of the spear straight (yari-jutsu) and spear curve (naginata-jutsu), I had glimpsed since ancient times. tactical advantages on the battlefield. It was abundantly used by schools of Japanese fencing, typically involving the use of a curved sword, they found him very congenial. According to the chronicles of warriors of feudal Japan, it was impossible to enter the guard of a launch expert - a man or a woman who was - who was acting from the center of a sphere cutting intricate circuitry that drew sharp razors. They also seemed impossible in more time, when the sword was the weapon most widely used to join the guard of an expert swordsman in the use of a sword or (as in the case of the legendary Musashi) by two. Even European Papers on the schools of fencing Italian, Hungarian and Slav, indicate that this principle seems particularly used in combat with the sword, where the round burst, so dear to the soul of the Muslim warrior Middle Ages, often prevailed on direct jab made famous by the French school of fencing, English, and so on. This principle also filters unarmed martial arts and reached a high level of functionalities, in the tactics of methods of Chinese boxing type Pa-kua or Tai-chi Chuan. In modern times it has assumed a position subordinate to the principle of linear convergence, and directed perpendicular preferred by schools of karate, both in their Chinese versions, which korean and Japanese. It seems, however, that many of these schools have not entirely abandoned. At higher levels of its practice, the principle of sphericity also appears in judo by Prof. Jigoro Kano. In fact, it constituted the nuclear part of the teaching of the master Kyuzo Mifune (10th dan), who, to prove it clear to his students of the Kodokan in Tokyo, the real balls used in those lessons that the film has preserved. In Aikido, however, this principle to the summit functional excellence, becoming absolute.
From: Aikido and the Dynamic Sphere
By: O. Ratti / A. Westrbrook
Ed: Mediterranee
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