differentiated pedagogy intended to samurai sought above all to the formation of character, neglecting the development of power 'which I thin 'intelligence, dialectics, prudence. E 'I'importanza already been highlighted that the arts play in the context of education in Japan. They, however, although considered essential to the education of a learned man, was considered an accessory rather than essential objective in forming the character of a samurai. The intellectual abilities were certainly taken into account, but the word who, used to mean "intellectual", was worth expressing Ia "wisdom", so that was assigned a subordinate role only to find intellectual, intellect understood that rationalistically ¨ (l) . was said that the tripod on which rested the structure of bushido was divided on who, jin, yu meaning, respectively: wisdom, benevolence, courage. The center of the soul of the samurai fell mainly on the agar. The knowledge could exist without the support of his act, and he used it only to the extent that the first could be useful to his profession as a man of war: religion and theology were recognized as the proper domain of priests, the samurai drew from them only so much that he could feed his mettle. philosophy and literature are the main elements of his intellectual education, but, while growing, samurai do not considered I'autentico ultimate position: he turned to literary studies mainly as a pastime, and the philosophical teachings considered a contribution to the formation of character, even if those were not used for the solution of some military or political problem. After these premises, it will disappear all too much amazed to learn how , under the teaching of bushido, especially tended to learning the art of fencing, archery I'arco of, or jujutsu yawara, equitation, hurled the spear and drew the sword, tactics, calligraphy, ethics, literature and history (2) . The calligraphy jujutsu require few explanatory remarks. Considerable importance was recognized the beautiful handwriting, probably for the reason that our characters, taking part - as in fact participating in - the same quality and function of images assume a strictly aesthetic value, it was admitted that the chirography express the personal character of its author. ll jujutsu can be summarized: an application to the rhythm of the offense-defense offers the anatomy of human knowledge. It differs from the fight in toto, as it is not subject to the force generated by muscles, and also differs from other forms of combat, as they do not resort to using weapons. Consists rather in grasping and hitting certain parts of the opponent's body, so to immobilize it and make it incapable of any strength: its effects are only temporary since it is intended not to kill, but simply to neutralize (3) . A teaching that one would expect to find in the education of Bush - and that rather conspicuous by its absence - is that of mathematics. This absence can be explained easily if one considers, first, that the feudal wars were not carried out rigorously "scientific", and finds, on the other, as I'educazione the samurai as a whole was totally hostile to the study of 'arithmetic. The samurai are prodigal menano pride and misery, which coincides with what he says Ventidius, that ambition. Don Quixote takes in much closer attention to their own spear rusty and his skeletal horse I'oro and lands, and a samurai sympathize heartily with his exaggerated brother of La Mancha. He disdains money itself: I'arte is to buy both the storage technology - any material gain from him being seen as a profit base. A regular expression used to signify the decadence of an era was as follows: ). An excessive attachment to gold and induced the contempt for life, to the same extent that the liberal use of one and the other was greatly enhanced. States a maximum commonly widespread: . For this reason the samurai, since childhood, were bred contempt in the economy, to the point to consider in bad taste even to speak of, the ignorance of the value of various currencies was a sign of good education. A samurai had to know the numbers to be able to pass in review their militias and to operate the distribution of benefits and feuds, but the account money was left-handed base to the point that in many states feudal public finances were managed by gentlemen of inferior rank to that of authentic samurai, or by priests. Who if he had raised the issue, despite the belief that money is the force factor of the war, certainly not aimed at raising the status of high regard by virtue of it, and if the required savings bushido, This represented not so much for eniva exercise of economy, as an exercise of abstinence. The luxury of being in fact considered the most dangerous threat to the human creature, the samurai were required to more severe simplicity of life - is that in many tribes were also enacted and enforced sumptuary laws. We read in ancient Rome as farmers supplied a given census - or even other individuals enriched by the mercatura - were gradually elevated to the rank of knights and thereby demonstrated the state to appreciate the services and I'importanza money. It 'clear that this fact is closely connected with the luxury and avarice of the Romans (4) . This assessment is not shared from the precepts of chivalry: they in finance is considered a domain consistently lower order than that represented by the professions that are inspired by the intellectual and moral sciences. Just because of the fact that money is love for money and were so carefully ignored, ll bushidS could remain untouched by the many long cowardice whose root is always money in this also lies the explanation of the fact that our politicians have long been free from all corruption. This observation, unfortunately, I am forced to add that among the current generations do you desire riches road instead. The intellectual culture, which today would include, above all, the study of mathematics, in bushidS was integrated with the exegesis of literary works and the discussion of questions of ethics. But in fact, there were few abstract problems that 'troubled' I'intelletto of young people, because the primary purpose of their education was given - as I mentioned above - the formation of a determined character. The only people whose minds absorb abstract concepts and knowledge are not big fans. Of the three goals which studies tend - that of obtaining pleasure, to refine, to guide I'azione - bushidS much prefers the latter, which governed . L 'education, whether they should develop this provision for political activity, whether it was intended to strengthen control of himself, was always oriented towards practical goals. . When are the character and not I'intelligenza, I'anima and not the brain to be chosen by a teacher to be cultivated and developed, then the occupation of these assumes a sacred character and meaning. << Parents I have generated: the teacher made me man >> . Given these assumptions, the esteem in which he was held a tutor could not be that high, and those who could give rise to recognition on the part of young people had to have more character, as well as profound erudition. He was a father for those who lacked a father, a counselor for advice for those who had need. Your father and your mother - says one of our greatest - are similar to heaven and earth, your teacher and your Lord is like the sun and the moon. The current method of offering material rewards for all sorts of services rendered, was not really popular among the followers of bushido, as this took into account only those services that are invaluable and, as such, should not be compensated for certain by money. A service to the spiritual, such as, for example, playing a priest or a teacher, could not be compensated with gold or silver, not because it was considered worthless, but because it escaped any assessment that economic parameters. And on the subject's sense of honor Bushido superior to any calculation, gives us a lesson most exemplary of that which is proposed by any modern political economy: wages and salaries may in fact be recognized as a reward for services defined by the outcome and tangible, concrete and measurable - and that result which is the noblest of all and can be reached through cultivating I'anima I'educazione (the work of the priest and the teacher is of such nature) is not, nor defined, nor tangible, or measurable, in which case, no You can then use the money properly, which serves as a criterion measure of material value. The use, in fact, that the students would bring to the masters or gold coins to 'start to season accounted for no payment, but an offer. In this capacity, it was not unwelcome to those who received it: men typically from the austere, too decent to withstand the physical work, too proud to stoop to begging. Men who, in their severity, were the personification of noble spirits, fearless in the face of adversity all'infierire, living embodiment and a shining example of what was considered the end of all knowledge, the domain of the self: the discipline sum, located at the top of the disciplines of the samurai ethic.
From: Bushido - Ed: Know-Kai
By: InazS Notoube (1862-1933)
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