Sunday, June 21, 2009

How Do Vajinas Look Like

Nell 'ancient Japan was divided into tiny little states rival with each other and lived in a state of perpetual war. The nobles recalled to their brave and faithful warriors: the samurai (the verb = saburau serve-serve). These warriors began to draw up their own code of honor, bushido, which over the conduct on the battlefield govern the spiritual life. At the beginning of the 900 serious famines and wars make the central government unable to guarantee national security, so the nobles will build their own personal armies composed of soldiers from campaigns and trained for combat, the constant infighting eventually increase the power and importance of these warriors, while the nobles make the emperor in fact excluded from the direction of the state. From the twelfth century, the samurai or bushi ("fighting men") are the largest caste of the social pyramid. The samurai are completely at the service of his master (daimyo) and to him are also ready to take his life by the famous ritual called seppuku. The samurai followed a code of behavior called bushido war that literally means "Way of the Warrior", the still point of the bushido is the honor in battle and in everyday life, bushido also govern the relationship to be taken into the same clan and its leader. The samurai should be simple, modest, war must be brave, loyal, supportive and of course must be a great honor. Inaz writing his Nitobe Bushido (1900) it classifies two types: a bushido warrior and a Confucian bushido, the first corresponding to Kamakura and the Momoyama period and is remembered as Heike Monogatari and the Soga Monogatari, and the second is developed in the Tokugawa period to become a real moral code based Confucian ethics which tended to transform bureaucrats into warriors. Indeed, the samurai were often attributed to two terms, which indicated the wisdom of bun and bu Confucian type indicating the martial context. In fact one of the essential qualities of the samurai was the right balance between action and reflection. The formation of the ideal samurai was a set of components, social, philosophical, religious. Zen Buddhism will make the spirit of the samurai sword as strong as his. It was not difficult for the Bush innate simplicity Shinto assimilate the doctrines of Zen, the samurai as a child he learned not to betray any emotion and to control his mind, to do what was necessary to sacrifice and hours and hours of practice. Zen was very important to train and perfect their famous self-control as the techniques taught to have total mastery of his emotions, dowry essential for a samurai always the face of death.

Value- samurai lord

Minamoto Yoritomo (1191), the founder of the Kamakura shogunate, said some rules that were central to the samurai, the basis of these rules were devotion and loyalty on the part of the samurai their lord. This report tied both figures, the samurai pledged to serve the superior who in turn rewarded him with a possession of land, chigyochi. During the investiture ceremony of the tenth century by lord and vassal was centered on an oath that in the Kamakura period is transcribed on a roll, kishomon. The kishomon after compiling it was burned and dissolved in a liquid that he drank the samurai, the bushi internalized in this way both materially and symbolically the condition that he end only with death by one of two contractors. The bond between the two was so strong that when a man died, several of its samurai committed suicide to follow him in the afterlife. This custom was called Junshi and was prohibited by law after the whole clan of samurai committed suicide, but did not disappear completely. One famous episode is certainly one of the 47 ronin who killed themselves after having avenged their lord, a famous episode recently (1912) however, is to Marusek Nogi and his wife who committed suicide at the news of the death of its emperor . The obligations of the samurai to his lord were many: fidelity, submission, call duty, provision of warriors, share in the expenses for the maintenance of power by their lord, in exchange for the gentleman to provide protection, support and rewards after the battles. The principles which bound the samurai, the ladies were basically two: speed = = Chugi duty and loyalty, the samurai who should also have wisdom =, value = yu, jin = benevolence; had to be brave and strong but at the same time composed and magnanimous courage was one of the basic course. The samurai was in the service of the daimyo, lord of a clan or of a province rich and powerful, which in turn was in the service of the Daimyo Shogun (Generalissimo), who appointed by the Emperor, the first Shogun was also to become a Damy, demonstrated that he was very strong militarily and economically could become the absolute leader, setting three Bakufu (military government), or shogunate, first in Kamakura, Kyoto, and ultimately to a more Edo (Tokyo). The Shogun government so despotic and authoritarian in the name of the Emperor, but in fact it had only an honorary title. The Meiji era (1868) brought all the powers in the hands of the Emperor .


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