in all Japanese arts in general, and for this' that concerns us particularly in Aikido, the concept of DO is essential. That which transforms DO AIKIDO AIKI JUTSU in, which then raises a set of physical exercises to the level of spiritual discipline. In everyday language the character is pronounced DO MICH also, when not combined with other characters, meaning journey, route or road. In religion or philosophy assume the sense of teaching, spiritual teaching or principle: Shinto or Shinde, fundamental religion of the Japanese people, and '"the way of divine powers." Finally, it should also know that God is nothing more than the corresponding word of the Sino-Japanese TAO. The study of a "way" is a long-term effort toward mastery of a certain technique that the acquisition of a state of being that should lead us to find our view on nature and our true identity. The gesture of pure and natural respect for the individual and the environment, observing the laws of nature, surveillance, the availability ', the right attitude at the right time, righteousness are the essential traits of a man DO . The practice of OD is based on consciousness and mastery of the body, its evolution in relation with the natural principles that govern it. The exercise in the sense of the way, leaving all intellectual speculation is bound to the effort in action. To repeat the exercise to aim for greater technical 'to get to the mastery and perfect motion and' one aspect of the DO, since 'mastery helps man to get rid of his ego, and at the same time it elevates the provide insight into the infinity of its development towards perfection. However, notes Jean Herbert (1): "When a man has reached a high degree of perfection in one area even if it was insignificant, has certainly reached the same level in perfection. On the contrary, practice with a view to a final performance and 'a serious mistake. When Master Nakazato was still in France, we would often say: "What are your techniques, your muscles and your strength when the most 'small microbes can' annihilate you?" It 's true that the first year in practice as DO is still a work in view of the mastery of technique, and it' when it was acquired last year the beginning of the inner journey. According Durckheim this exercise of the inner journey "begins only when we know what to do 'and that' being practiced. It is a perpetual repetition. When the technique of the year and 'perfectly captured every repetition reflects the attitude of those who the exercise, each error in an attitude reflects incomplete. It 's so that the effort towards a performance becomes a pure work of man himself. "Conceiving the man only as a physical machine, a mechanical man, and' an aberration. Every living creature must develop as a realization. We all have within us a divine particle, a nucleus that binds us to the original first man and the Great Life. The practice of the Way must strive to awaken and to be attentive to this core of our being real, aspect of through the divine in man wants to be a very specific form of life. Every being has at least the possibility 'of that and become a' particular. According to the belief of each word "divine" acquires a different meaning. For those who want to understand that in fact "you speak using the words" and that half of these should always try to make the image of our thinking as much as' deep as possible, well, these people mean by the god or divine entity 'which represents the inner nature of man, that' if that should become unable to fulfill their potential, that 'a real man, fully in harmony with the universe. A man who is an integral part of the universe and the universe itself. If God indeed created man in His own image, perhaps the man has the chance 'to look like. But there is now a real man, fully realized? We must recognize that the lives we lead and the precariousness' of the conditions of our existence in the jungle all development encourages us to give preference to the forces in our power to help quotidiano.L 'man only focused on this need for survival on earth for good or evil is not' listening to its essential being and encourages their wake. However, and here is one of the key points of the study of the "Way" is the current daily life offered to us as a vast field of investigation. The operation within the meaning of the "Way" is studied in a well-established, if necessary for us: the DOJO, but 'outside and actually begins to practice. E 'in their moral and physical attitude towards his surroundings and relation to their own personalities 'which man expresses' itself. Should not and there can be no delay between the physical and moral attitude. The exercise of physical and DO work attitude wins the soul through the body. The laziness, relaxation of the body, no respect for his health and performance of his duties because of abuse of alcohol, food or drugs will inevitably lead to a degeneration of spirit and a lack of human judgments in the sense more 'deep. The operation within the meaning of the "Way" (the AIKIDO for example) and 'work on the body in its function as more' natural. The repetition of the movement in order to improve constantly renewed, as well as to provide people with hope and opportunity 'to be able to even better, can quickly find a balance and a harmonious relationship between body and mind, of his own personality 'and the outside. If the technique can remove all the blocks to get to the body consciousness Hara and proper flow of ki, the repetition of the exercises allows you to access pure and spontaneous gesture intended as an appeal body from the depths of the heart, without any premeditation in order to respond instantly and without error to any situation. But beware: the natural and spontaneous movement is but a step towards the natural spontaneous opinion, this inner voice that we have tried to define. The comfort 'and assaults of modern life that are directly physical Emotional, sound or light (noise, advertising ,...) us away from the gesture and the court because natural 'force us to close in on ourselves physically raise the shoulders, clavicular breathing becomes, one block and one protects all without giving anything. When you open it only to take what is' good. But by what criteria you can choose if you lost your natural feedback. In nature nothing and 'basically good or cattivo.Sarebbe absurd! Nature just knows the alternative. It and 'what' and that 'everything has become and that is his. As they say in the TAO emptiness' there is the fullness and not contain the virtual being. To fill a vase This must be empty, and the good exists only in relation to a male.In be healthy, sensible judge his body, a desire, a desire always correspond to a deep need. It's no accident that the dog eats erba.E at certain times of the year 'and does not reflect a carnivorous animal: natural and obeys his trial until' will be healthy and will keep to the laws of nature do not deceive this court '. Transpose and exercise every day in the life of the sensations and the state of being acquired by DOJO much work, here is the object of study of the "Way." The DO is not 'it' a religion it 'philosophy. It 's the path accessible to all, which leads to a "state of being authentic." In general fede.Dipendono religions are based on the belief in one or more 'god'. Faith and 'a grace: you have or do not possess. It does not have an explanation as Pascal said, and 'top without being contrary to reason. It looks like the glow of the sun compared with the furtive glow of the candle. As demonstrated by Bertrand Russell religions are often based on fear. For the majority of religious believers do not live but rather 'suffered. The man is not 'active part of if' same: looks forward and claim. When Christ said "if you love me take up your cross and follow me" maybe he meant well all'imporre a choice, that to get to their level of spiritual elevation and 'necessary to move from his own journey. Metaphysics and philosophy, no matter how interesting science is abstract and complicated, which require intelligence to be seriously addressed, and a power of reflection that are not proper for all. The DO uses the newspaper as the subject and the natural expansion for the purpose of a better way of life ", and then gives everyone the chance 'to get to listen to our authentic being and fulfillment. Faith, intelligence, wealth are not necessary conditions for our realizzazione.Il common sense, love and the will 'to progress humanly enough. In order to increase its capacity 'man, man has nothing but himself. Can 'be guided, advised, but the real author of the work and that is' he depends on his prior stesso.Tutto human development. The exercise Asthe DO and 'the essential element that must lead us to this human development. The will 'get there or just the power of the intellect is not sufficient, since the meaning is inherent in the concept of exercise DO. The BUDO, or the way of the warrior as a subject of study 'a difficult but extremely rich. In BUDO all the qualities of the man of DO are amplified. Rectitude, respect for the individual and even when 'an opponent, high morality', the search of the attitude right, never to be taken in their absence, the vigilance, ingenuity ... as' for every budoka action can 'be a matter of life or death, and the error 'permission. For the true budoka never wrong to be vigilant and attentive to their own opinion natural faces every action with pure heart and be spontaneous, as if every time it was the first and last. The study of a street and 'a serious business. Be careful not to recreate the constraints of life in the DOJO esterna.Niente false mysticism, because 'when the archer pulls the fund aims if' itself and can often 'achievement.
(1) jean Herbert: Wellsprings of Japan - ALBIN MICHEL * "In the exercise of archery and 'at the bottom of whether' the same that the archer can aim and perhaps achievement - Herrigel "
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